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Re: I see

Alex --

...and then Alex Polite said...
% On Sat, Sep 06, 2003 at 09:28:18AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
% > Alex --
% > 
% > [Mentioning portions of the original.]
% > 
% > Oh.  I get it.  Like this, then? :-)
% haha.


% > Once again, we get back to the point where only a human -- or at least
% > a much smarter algorithm than I want to see implemented in mutt -- can
% > determine whether or not the message belongs with it's purported
% > parent.
% Nope. You're wrong. In real life (!= the one email in history where

Oh, I'm almost certain that there's been more than one ;-)

% David tried to prove a point by breaking the convention of laziness) it will 
% quite easy to amend the traditional threading algorithms.

OK.  If you can do it, more power to you!

% > If you have any ideas, perhaps you could implement something in procmail
% > which breaks the references.  As an added bonus, put back together thread
% > messages from borken clients like Outhouse :-)
% You know what I just might do that, if only to wipe that smile of your
% face :)

That's a deal :-)  I'd very much love to have it; I suffer on those
mailing lists, too.

% alex


David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) davidtg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) davidtgwork@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  -- Mary Baker Eddy, "Science and Health"
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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