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Re: mutt newbie: rxvt, cygwin mutt, black screen of death

* J.Underwood <J.Underwood@xxxxxxxxxx> [2003-09-07 17:40]:
> Hi
> I just decided to try using mutt under cygwin. So I fired up mutt, and all i
> get is a black screen. Figuring that something was wrong with the colour
> settings, i pressed q  in the hope that got me out (it did) and set up
> colours in my .muttrc file, and all was well. However, is it REALLY sensible
> to have default colours all set to be black on black? Or am i missing
> something very elementary here? (I must be...)

did it say 

black black


default default 


Theo Vermeulen
Theo Vermeulen     _________________________________ 
theo@xxxxxxxxx    |   Al wie dit leest is zot :)    |
                  | All who reads this is stupid :) |
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