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Re: Disabling all default key bindings


On 2009-07-24 22:16:33 +0300, Ciprian Dorin, Craciun wrote:
>     But the problem is that the option in the muttrc file would be
> ignored. (I suppose that the muttrc file is read after the km_init
> function is called.) So my question is: any ideas on how to overcome
> this problem?
>     Also any comments on my solution? Any other solutions?

FYI, I've already mentioned a similar problem in January 2008
(the goal being to use "bind generic" with keys that have default
bindings), but got no replies.

I've just reported http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3306 where one
of the suggestions is to have a way to unbind everything.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)