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Re: Features like Sup

* Cameron Simpson on Monday, July 06, 2009 at 17:05:34 +1000
> On 06Jul2009 05:52, Noah Slater <nslater@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>| I'm an enthusiastic mutt user,
> Me too, but I've never used Sup.
>| but Sup interests me for two reasons:
>|  * Thread centred message listing,
> How different from mutt's threads?
>| views,
> Search results as a folder? Mairix is the usually mutt approach for this
> one, at least for me. I have a wrapper script to do a mairix search,
> open the results folder in mutt, discard later. It's be easy to add a
> mutt macro to initialiate the invocation of that,

$ cat ~/.mutt/mairixquery.sh


yorn() {
    local ans
    printf '%s %s ' "$1" "(yes/[no])"
    read -e ans
    case "$ans" in
        y*|Y*) return 0;;
        *) return 1;;

printf '%s\n' "Enter mairix query:"
read -e query
test -z "$query" && exit 0

yorn "Retrieve thread(s)?" && threads="--threads"
yorn "Append message(s) to mfolder?" && augment="--augment"

mairix $threads $augment "$query"

macro index,pager ,m "\
<enter-command> set my_wait_key=\$wait_key wait_key=no<enter>\
<shell-escape> ~/.mutt/mairixquery.sh<enter>\
<enter-command> set wait_key=\$my_wait_key &my_wait_key<enter>\
<change-folder>+Special/_mairix" "mairix query"

macro browser ,m "\
<enter-command> set my_wait_key=\$wait_key wait_key=no<enter>\
<shell-escape> ~/.mutt/mairixquery.sh<enter>\
<enter-command> set wait_key=\$my_wait_key &my_wait_key<enter>\
<exit><change-folder>+Special/_mairix" "mairix query"

> or to cache such invocations for ready reuse (thus getting
> views).

Todo ;-)

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