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Re: [Mutt] #1317: wish $edit_charset

#1317: wish $edit_charset
  Reporter:  Tony Leneis <tony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  |       Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  enhancement                        |      Status:  new     
  Priority:  minor                              |   Milestone:          
 Component:  charset                            |     Version:  1.4i    
Resolution:                                     |    Keywords:          

Comment(by Derek Martin):

 [In the style of Vincent Lefevre...]

 On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 01:49:22AM +0200, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

 That comment is completely ridiculous.  Use iconv to convert the file
 to UTF-8.  If you need to, then make your changes, and convert it
 back.  It's also completely ridiculous because if everyone used
 Unicode, instead of clinging to arbitrary obsolete encoding schemes,
 this problem would simply not exist.

 Ridiculous.  This is a discussion about whether Mutt should add a
 feature to allow users to circumvent problems caused by their stubborn
 desire to misconfigure their system, not about whether people do or do
 not do so.

 Completely ridiculous, because you didn't bother to explain what you
 meant by "does bad things."  Also completely ridiculous because even
 if an application has a bug, it can and should be fixed; not blame the
 mechanism it tries to use for the fault.

 This remark is completely ridiculous.

 Utterly ridiculous.  Even if Mutt has some small number of minor bugs
 pertaining to character set handling, it can hardly be generally
 called broken under UTF-8.  Also riducluous because it should have
 been clear from context that "broken" in this case meant "unusably
 broken" which Mutt clearly is not.

 Completely ridiculous.  You're describing a case where all the
 available choices are severely broken.  In any case, you should
 complain to the vendor(s) to fix them, since they are unusable.

 Ridiculous.  The context of this discussion is using one charset
 *while needing to use another which is not contained in the selected
 one.*  Obviously other charsets can be chosen and used, but as stated
 several times already, that only makes sense if you only need to
 interact with that specific character set.  Otherwise, you WILL at
 some point encounter problems.

 Completely ridiculous (and also very rude, but we expect that from

 This is unbelievably ridiculous. If a user wants to create an invalid
 XML file with an incorrect encoding, he should be able to.  It may be
 the case that he wants to do so as an example of a bad XML file, or
 for whatever reason; but regardless his editor should not prevent him
 from doing so.  But that's beside the point.  Editors may or may not
 do this, but they must also be able to output the charset to the
 user's terminal.  If they're using a strictly ISO-8859-1 terminal, for
 example, and the file they are editing contains Cyrillic characters,
 this will simply be impossible.  But all editors must determine the
 locale that the user is using in order to display files properly to
 the user, regardless of what encoding the file is in or what encoding
 the editor uses internally.  All non-broken editors do this, and do it
 by evaluating $LANG and friends.

 Ridiculous, like absolutely everything else you said, because it
 doesn't address my point at all.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/1317#comment:>
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