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Re: [Mutt] #1317: wish $edit_charset

#1317: wish $edit_charset
  Reporter:  Tony Leneis <tony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  |       Owner:  mutt-dev
      Type:  enhancement                        |      Status:  new     
  Priority:  minor                              |   Milestone:          
 Component:  charset                            |     Version:  1.4i    
Resolution:                                     |    Keywords:          

Comment(by Derek Martin):

 On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 08:40:00AM -0000, Mutt wrote:

 I did read what you wrote.  I just dispute that it is true.  You gave
 the example of terminals, but that is patently false, as I demonstrate
 on a daily basis.  There are plenty of terminals which work perfectly
 well with Unicode.  Use one of those...  Don't want to?  Then you're
 just being stubborn.  Use What Works(TM).

 As long as you want to only use characters that are supported by that
 character set, sure.  But that's not the case here.  The user wants to
 use a variety of characters, where the only encoding that supports
 them all is Unicode.  Therefore it is quite logical that he must use
 Unicode, or keep running into situations where he can't do what he
 needs to do.

 This is not a problem that needs fixing!!!  The problem that needs
 fixing is to make Unicode work properly where it doesn't.

 You have failed to provide an example where using UTF-8 does not work.
 I'm not forcing anyone to use UTF-8.  But if you want to use two
 different character sets, and one of them isn't supported by the
 encoding you're using...  Isn't this obviously a dumb attempt at a
 solution?  Unicode exists precisely to solve this problem, and it does
 it extremely well.  The solution suggested here doesn't solve the
 problem very well at all.

 *I'm* stubborn?!?!  I keep telling people like you how to do the
 things that you keep saying aren't possible.  And *I'm* stubborn?
 That's a laugh.

 Trying to shoehorn in support for a different character set than the one
 your system is configured to use IS a hack.  Period.  If you want an
 elegant solution, there is only one...

 So don't use iTerm.  Use Xterm.  It's supported on Mac.  Saying that
 Unicode is inadequate because some particular application has a bug is
 just inane.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/1317#comment:>
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