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Re: [Mutt] #3033: text_enriched_handler and UTF-8 (and charsets as

#3033: text_enriched_handler and UTF-8 (and charsets as a whole)

Comment (by Kyle Wheeler):

 On Monday, February 18 at 09:09 PM, quoth Mutt:
 > This has had me riddled for quite some time now as well. Even if I
 > set LC_CTYPE=de_DE.iso885915 (or similar, like "@euro"), I need to
 > tell mutt about it with "set charset=iso-8859-15". Or am I
 > overseeing something?

 Mutt gets its charset from the output of nl_langinfo(CODESET) (if you
 have the langinfo.h header). Otherwise, it simply assumes iso-8859-1.
 So I'd say you should investigate that function. Here's a simple test

      #include <locale.h>
      #include <langinfo.h>
      #include <stdio.h>

      int main()
          setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "");
          printf("%s\n", nl_langinfo(CODESET));
          return 0;

 See what that C program prints out, and do what you must to make it
 print out the right thing (check the setlocale and nl_langinfo man

 For what it's worth, my system doesn't recognize de_DE.iso885915. It
 DOES recognize de_DE.ISO8859-15, though. When I run
 `locale -a | grep de_DE`, all I see as options are:


 Run that command (`locale -a | grep de_DE`) to see what your system
 supports, and set LC_CTYPE to one of those.


Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/3033#comment:>