Hi, * Lars Hecking wrote:
Patrick Shanahan writes:
not sure if you are referring to the pager view or index view, but they are controlled by the following entries in your ~/.muttrc or /etc/Muttrc (I am on a single user system and remove the /etc/Muttrc):
set pager_format="%-.20n: %.40s' '-%Z- %C/%m: %-20.20n %s |"
That's the one, thanks!
I'm so used to having the complete subject in the status line that I was losing too much time trying to look further down and identify the Subject: in all the header jumble ...
Also, the fact that the status line appears as ... () seems to indicate that the %P part of "-%Z- %C/%m: %-20.20n %s%* -- (%P)" doesn't work.
Umm. Reading the code there's no way %P can ever be empty in the pager (it can be empty in $index_format though, as both share the same code) _except_ the pager is not the built-in one. Is that the case for you?