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Re: collapse-all in a macro

On Sunday, November  4 at 05:48 PM, quoth Michael Elkins:
Has anyone tried to use collapse-all in a macro?

Not quite; but I use it in folder-hooks all the time.

macro index C "T.\n;Wn\ct.\n" "mark all messages as read"

Well, first of all, using characters instead of directly calling the functions they refer to makes your macro much less readable and less reliable (because rebinding keys can invalidate otherwise perfectly functioning macros). So, let's translate that:


As an aside, while we're at it, it's probably more efficient to use


...at the end there.

However, I normally have a folder-hook with "push <collapse-all>",

:) Me too.

So my second try went a little like this:

macro index C "<collapse-all>T.\n;Wn\ct.\n" "mark all messages as read"


Except that collapse-all is a toggle. What I really need is some way to always uncollapse-all.

Quite. Well, this isn't perfect, but one way to forcibly uncollapse-all is to <limit>~A<enter>... which of course has the problem that it overrules any limit that you had set; but if you don't use limit much, this may be good trick.

Hanging on to resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head.
                                                        -- Ann Landers

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