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Re: [Mutt] #2952: <BackSpace> should use terminal settings

On 2007-09-11 09:57:56 -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> On Tuesday, September 11 at 07:37 AM, quoth Mutt:
>> Conversely, you can't be sure that what the user (or something else) has 
>> configured for erase is really the backspace key.
> Fair enough, but I don't expect mutt to handle pathological users.

There may be good reasons to do that.

> I'm suggesting we go with "least surprise". The "erase" character, whatever 
> it is and no matter what key emits it, is the character that triggers 
> "backspace-like" behavior. So when I say "mutt, when I hit backspace, do 
> X", I expect mutt to understand backspace the same way that every other 
> program does: whatever key I hit that happens to produce backspace behavior 
> is the one I'm referring to. If I happen to have configured my terminal 
> such that the 'r' character is the "erase" character (such that if I type 
> "bar" I end up with just "b"), then every program I run in that terminal is 
> essentially treating 'r' as my  backspace key. Thus when I tell mutt to 
> bind "backspace" to something, I expect mutt to bind 'r' to that something. 
> It's simply consistent.

However readline (as you cited it in one of your messages) doesn't
work the way you want. For instance, if I create a .inputrc file

Rubout: "foo"

to bind backspace to the string "foo" and run "stty erase r", then
start bash, I get "foo" when typing backspace, and the 'r' key still
does the erase function.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / Arenaire project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)