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Re: folder browser: use file time + size rather than symlink's

=- Cameron Simpson wrote on Tue  3.Jul'07 at 21:06:18 +1000 -=

> On 26Jun2007 20:43, Rado S <list-rado@xxxxxx> wrote:
> | All you need to know about a link is that it is a link,
> | while anything else is more interesting from the destination.
> Generally speaking, when do you even care it's a link?
> Why not just use stat() instead of lstat() throughout, and avoid
> un"co0nst"ing stat objects, etc?

Because with "save_empty=no" I don't want to lose links pointing to
empty/ non-existing folders (which may be created by procmail when new
mail arrives), so I wouldn't delete the last msg in a linked folder,
but would in a direct one.

© Rado S. -- You must provide YOUR effort for your goal!
EVERY effort counts: at least to show your attitude.
You're responsible for ALL you do: you get what you give.