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Re: [ANNOUNCE] mutt 1.5.16 released

> > #!/bin/sh
> > vim "$@"; true
> This is no better than ignoring errors entirely, without even
> bothering to check to see if the file changed.

You mentioned that the file has changed. Someone else might wish to
ignore first three lines which contain message date and which is set
automatically in his editor. IMO the script is easier and more flexible

> The model Mutt has chosen to use is that it calls external programs to
> deal with editing mail.  Having chosen this model, Mutt has some
> responsibility to the user to make sure what results from running the
> editor is in some way sane.

Define "in some way sane ...". If we say "hey user, every return code
from your editor other than 0 is error" he can tune his configuration.

> > The script approach, on the other hand, is a lot simpler for mutt.
> Simpler, yes... but also horribly wrong, worse than all of the other
> currently proposed alternatives.  When there *is* an error, mutt will
> happily send an unchanged message, and not alert the user to the fact
> this has happened.

Hmm, if I exit my editor, I'm back to mail composing page, I have to hit
"y" to send the mail actually. I believe this is default behavior. If
user changes this default behavior, he is responsible for his action.
And our responsibility is to document properly what can happens if he
turns this option.

Just my 2 Hal
