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=h in save-hook different from =h in tag-pattern


I've been noticing this problem, and I'm not sure if I'm just doing it wrong, or what.

So, I have the following hook:

    save-hook "=h 'X-Spam-Status: Yes'" =Spam

I also have the following imap_headers set:

    set imap_headers="X-Spam-Status"

In a folder with a bunch of spam, then, I can do something like this:

    <tag-prefix>=h 'X-Spam-Status: Yes'<enter>

And it will work just fine; all the spam will be tagged. But the save-hook doesn't work at all, and is never triggered. The only way I can fix my save-hook is to change it to this:

    save-hook "~h 'X-Spam-Status: Yes'" =Spam

But in that case, mutt fetches the message from the server to check out its headers, rather than realizing that it should have already asked for that header like I told it to (i.e. from imap_headers).

Am I totally misunderstanding how this is supposed to work? Is this a bug? What's going on?

Dealing with failure is easy: Work hard to improve. Success is also easy to handle: You've solved the wrong problem. Work hard to improve.
                                                        -- Alan Perlis

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