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Re: change_folder_next patch

=- Alain Bench wrote on Wed  9.May'07 at 18:42:49 +0200 -=

> > I have no problem with it being unbound by default
> This function is very handy, and have good chances to quickly
> become the primary way of changing folders for some non-negligable
> amount of Mutt users. It *wants* a default binding, IMHO.

I admit, I haven't followed from the beginning and even
retroactively don't understand the benefit yet.
What does this mean?
        "start at the folder after the current folder."

------ QUOTE BEGIN ------
+OP_MAIN_NEXT_FOLDER "open next folder with new mail"
------- QUOTE END -------

This is already what change-folder does by default: offering the
mailbox in the prompt to just hit enter, why do we need the extra
function? Why not extend the change-folder desc. to carry that info:
"change to other folder, offers mailbox with new message as default"

Is it just so that this action can be executed with a single key?
        macro index <change-folder><enter>
If there's no new, nothing happens.

I've not seen <change-folder> suggest the current folder so to
_require_ a dedicated "next folder".
I can only guess this might happen when the current folder
permanently receives new mail and is listed 1st in mailboxes, but
that's a very special problem that can be solved elsewise: don't
list it in mailboxes (makes no sense in that case anyway) or _once_
enter another folder or go to browser mode, all of which can be done
with a single key with macros.

> > But the same users won't know about the new function or simply
> > haven't used it before and therefore won't miss it (or expect it
> > to be on ","). Those aware of it can rebind to whatever they
> > want, if they already have "," bound. I see no loss there.
> Of course any non-beginner knows how to fix such not-a-problem.
> But the beginner doesn't, and this is a problem.

But why is it broken for the beginner, since either he doesn't miss
it or he already has something in his muttrc overwriting ',' and
therefore is not so much a beginner anymore. What kind of people or
setup are you talking about?
Or you're suggesting to establish a new default mutt usage/ user
behaviour because of the new functionality (per 1st quoted paragraph)?

> The loss: In case user has comma alone bound to anything in
> muttrc, the <next-unread-mailbox> function will be cleanly pushed
> out to unbound state. <help> says <next-unread-mailbox> is
> unbound, but manual says comma. Not a major prob, but already
> annoying.
> In case user has comma as prefix of a multi-keys binding: <help>
> says <next-unread-mailbox> is bound to comma, manual too. But the
> comma key gives nothing. Nothing, until user presses the next key.
> This is much more annoying.

Uh, if the user messes around with bindings, he's no beginner
anymore and should RTFM and undertstand which effects his changes
have, in this case overriding any defaults. ',' certainly won't be
the only key overridden, what about all the other default bindings?

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