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Re: [Mutt] #1665: Mutt crashes when selecting a key to encrypt with pgp 6.5.8

#1665: Mutt crashes when selecting a key to encrypt with pgp 6.5.8

Changes (by brendan):

  * status:  assigned => closed
  * resolution:  => worksforme

Old description:

> {{{
> Package: mutt
> Version: 1.5.4i
> Severity: normal
> -- Please type your report below this line

> Hello,
>    I have been troubleshooting this problem for a little bit and could
> use some help/advice in tracking down the problem. I am not sure if it is
> mutt itself or something else.
> Config:
> O/S: Solaris 8
> GCC: version 3.3
> Mutt 1.5.4i
> PGP CmdLine: Version 6.5.8
> Problem:
>   When attempting to send an encrypted e-mail mutt with crash with a
> segfault if I have a large number of keys (Estimated 15-30 keys in
> the keyring) To replicte the problem
> Have 31 keys in my keyring
>    1: Compose a new e-mail.
>    2: Hit "p".
>    3: Hit "e" to encrypt.
>    4: Hit "y" to send.
>    5: When it says "Enter keyID for addr@domain:" Just hit "ENTER".
> At this point i get the following.
>   Looking for keys matching ""...Segmentation fault (core dumped)
> I have noticed that if i enter a search pattern when it asks "Enter keyID
> for addr@domain:" it will work as expected. Hitting "ENTER" or a single
> letter (vowel mabee) it dumps core. Running "pgpring -5" runs just fine.
> I have having the same problem on two different solaris 8 systems with
> the same results.
>  Has anyone else seeing/have had this problem ? If anyone has any
> pointers on how to track down why it is crapping out would be greatly
> aprechated.

> $ file ./core
> ./core:         ELF 32-bit MSB core file SPARC Version 1, from 'mutt'
> Stack Trace:
> core file = core -- program ``mutt'' on platform SUNW,Ultra-80
> SIGSEGV: Segmentation Fault
> $C
> _pgp_compare_address(c8fdc,c9054,c904f,c8fe4,c904f,c8fe0) + c
>         [savfp=0xffbed0a8,savpc=0xff0cb528]
> qsort(c9054,4,c8fdc,c9018,c905c,7a3f0) + 10c
>         [savfp=0xffbed108,savpc=0x7a888]
> pgp_select_key(0,0,ffbee0f0,cbfc8,cbfc8,cbfec) + b8
>         [savfp=0xffbee008,savpc=0x7b690]
> pgp_getkeybystr(0,2,cacc0,20,0,0) + b4
>         [savfp=0xffbee088,savpc=0x7af4c]
> pgp_ask_for_key(ffbee1f0,c8c80,20000,0,9a800,9a9d8) + c4
>         [savfp=0xffbee180,savpc=0x78af8]
> pgp_findKeys(c8bd8,0,0,0,9a800,21) + 1fc
>         [savfp=0xffbee600,savpc=0x249c0]
> crypt_get_keys(ffffffff,ffbee6e0,ffbee6e4,0,6275696c,c7588) + 80
>         [savfp=0xffbee670,savpc=0x683bc]
> ci_send_message(0,c8588,0,bf730,0,0) + d1c
>         [savfp=0xffbeec88,savpc=0x2f7c8]
> mutt_index_menu(bf730,1,0,0,0,0) + 1838
>         [savfp=0xffbef2a0,savpc=0x459b0]
> main(1,ffbefb24,b0c00,93800,0,0) + 9e8
>         [savfp=0x0,savpc=0x1ba08]
> $q
> > pstack ./core
> core './core' of 13992: mutt
>  00069788 _pgp_compare_address (b50bc, b5134, b5128, 24, b512c, b512c) +
> c
>  000697f8 pgp_compare_address (b50bc, b5134, b512f, b50c8, b512f, b50c4)
> + 18
>  ff14b528 qsort    (b5134, 4, b50bc, b50f8, b5150, 697e0) + 10c
>  00069bdc pgp_select_key (0, 0, ffbee278, 1d, 81060, ffbed2fc) + 17c
>  0006ab4c pgp_getkeybystr (0, 81000, ad150, 2, 97f90, ffbee1f4) + 26c
>  0006a220 pgp_ask_for_key (ffbee378, 9c6b0, 20000, 0, 80cf0, 81000) + 104
>  00067e90 pgp_findKeys (0, ffbee378, 0, afa70, 760e8, 0) + 1f4
>  00068700 pgp_get_keys (ffffffff, ffbee86c, afa08, 0, ffbee8f8, ffbee0d8)
> + 40
>  00059b80 ci_send_message (0, 0, 0, b0d20, ffbeee50, 0) + be4
>  0002b02c mutt_index_menu (0, 0, 97c00, 1, 0, 0) + 2cf4
>  0003bd28 main     (0, 0, 97c00, 7cc00, 7cc00, 96000) + b7c
>  00019750 _start   (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 5c
> >
> Truss Output:
> tail -60 mutt-truss-output.txt
> sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBEDCA0, 0x00000000)       = 0
> poll(0xFFBEDBB0, 1, 600000)     (sleeping...)
> poll(0xFFBEDBB0, 1, 600000)                     = 1
> poll(0xFFBEDAC8, 1, 10000)                      = 1
> read(3, " y", 1)                                = 1
> sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBEDCA0, 0x00000000)       = 0
> stat("/tmp/mutt-yoda-18548-0", 0xFFBEDE28)      = 0
> write(1, "1B [ 3 3 ; 1 H L o o k i".., 50)      = 50
> open("/dev/null", O_RDWR)                       = 6
> pipe()                                          = 7 [8]
> sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBE8A28, 0x000AFD64)       = 0
> sigaction(SIGQUIT, 0xFFBE8A28, 0x000AFD84)      = 0
> sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, 0x000AFD54, 0x00000000)  = 0
> fork()                                          = 18556
> close(8)                                        = 0
> fstat64(7, 0xFFBEDB80)                          = 0
> ioctl(7, TCGETA, 0xFFBEDB0C)                    Err#22 EINVAL
> read(7, 0x000C8FE4, 5120)                       = 0
> llseek(7, 0, SEEK_CUR)                          Err#29 ESPIPE
> close(7)                                        = 0
> waitid(P_PID, 18556, 0xFFBEDB80, WEXITED|WTRAPPED) = 0
> sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, 0x000AFD54, 0x00000000) = 0
>     Received signal #18, SIGCLD [caught]
>       siginfo: SIGCLD CLD_EXITED pid=18556 status=0x0000
> setcontext(0xFFBED8B8)
> sigaction(SIGQUIT, 0xFFBEDB50, 0x00000000)      = 0
> sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBEDB50, 0x00000000)       = 0
> close(6)                                        = 0
> write(1, "\r E n t e r   k e y I D".., 41)      = 41
> sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBEDDB0, 0x00000000)       = 0
> poll(0xFFBEDC50, 1, 10000)                      = 1
> read(3, "\r", 1)                                = 1
> sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBEDDB0, 0x00000000)       = 0
> write(1, "\r L o o k i n g   f o r".., 32)      = 32
> open("/dev/null", O_RDWR)                       = 6
> pipe()                                          = 7 [8]
> sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBE8930, 0x000AFD64)       = 0
> sigaction(SIGQUIT, 0xFFBE8930, 0x000AFD84)      = 0
> sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, 0x000AFD54, 0x00000000)  = 0
> fork()                                          = 18558
> close(8)                                        = 0
> fstat64(7, 0xFFBEDA88)                          = 0
> ioctl(7, TCGETA, 0xFFBEDA14)                    Err#22 EINVAL
> read(7, " p u b : f : 1 0 2 3 : 1".., 5120)     = 4574
> read(7, 0x000C8FE4, 5120)                       = 0
> llseek(7, 0, SEEK_CUR)                          Err#29 ESPIPE
> close(7)                                        = 0
> waitid(P_PID, 18558, 0xFFBEDA88, WEXITED|WTRAPPED) = 0
> sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, 0x000AFD54, 0x00000000) = 0
>     Received signal #18, SIGCLD [caught]
>       siginfo: SIGCLD CLD_EXITED pid=18558 status=0x0000
> setcontext(0xFFBED7C0)
> sigaction(SIGQUIT, 0xFFBEDA58, 0x00000000)      = 0
> sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBEDA58, 0x00000000)       = 0
> close(6)                                        = 0
>     Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS  %pc = 0x0007A38C
>       siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000000
>     Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [default]
>       siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000000
>         *** process killed ***
> -- Build environment information
> (Note: This is the build environment installed on the system
> muttbug is run on.  Information may or may not match the environment
> used to build mutt.)
> - gcc version information
> gcc
> Reading specs from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/3.3/specs
> Configured with: ../configure --disable-nls --with-as=/usr/ccs/bin/as
> --with-ld=/usr/ccs/bin/ld
> Thread model: posix
> gcc version 3.3
> -Wall -pedantic -g -O2
> -- Mutt Version Information
> Mutt 1.5.4i (2003-03-19)
> Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Michael R. Elkins and others.
> Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
> Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
> under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.
> System: SunOS 5.8 (sun4u) [using slang 10404]
> Compile options:
> ISPELL="/usr/local/bin/ispell"
> SENDMAIL="/usr/lib/sendmail"
> MAILPATH="/var/mail"
> PKGDATADIR="/usr/local/share/mutt"
> SYSCONFDIR="/usr/local/etc"
> EXECSHELL="/bin/sh"
> To contact the developers, please mail to <mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx>.
> To report a bug, please use the flea(1) utility.

> --- Begin /export/home/chall/.muttrc
> set pgp_decode_command="%?p?PGPPASSFD=0; export PGPPASSFD;? cat %?p?-? %f
> | pgp6 +language=mutt +compatible +verbose=0 -f"
> set pgp_verify_command="pgp6 +compatible +language=mutt +verbose=0
> +batchmode -t %s %f"
> set pgp_decrypt_command="PGPPASSFD=0; export PGPPASSFD; cat - %f | pgp6
> +language=mutt +compatible +verbose=0 -f"
> set pgp_sign_command="PGPPASSFD=0; export PGPPASSFD; cat %f | pgp6
> +language=mutt +compatible +verbose=0 -abfst %?a? -u %a?"
> set pgp_encrypt_only_command="pgp6 +compatible +language=mutt +verbose=0
> +encrypttoself -aeft %r < %f"
> set pgp_encrypt_sign_command="PGPPASSFD=0; export PGPPASSFD; cat %?p?-?
> %f | pgp6 +compatible +language=mutt +verbose=0 +encrypttoself +batchmode
> +clearsig=off -feast  %?a?-u %a? %r"
> set pgp_import_command="pgp6 +compatible -ka %f +language=mutt"
> set pgp_export_command="pgp6 +compatible +force -kxaf +language=mutt %r"
> set pgp_verify_key_command="pgp6 +compatible -kcc +language=mutt %r"
> set pgp_clearsign_command="PGPPASSFD=0; export PGPPASSFD; cat %f | pgp6
> +compatible +verbose=0 +clearsig -afst %?a? -u %a?"
> --- End /export/home/chall/.muttrc

> >How-To-Repeat:
> >Fix:
> }}}

New description:

 Package: mutt
 Version: 1.5.4i
 Severity: normal

 -- Please type your report below this line


    I have been troubleshooting this problem for a little bit and could use
 some help/advice in tracking down the problem. I am not sure if it is mutt
 itself or something else.

 O/S: Solaris 8
 GCC: version 3.3
 Mutt 1.5.4i
 PGP CmdLine: Version 6.5.8


   When attempting to send an encrypted e-mail mutt with crash with a
 segfault if I have a large number of keys (Estimated 15-30 keys in
 the keyring) To replicte the problem

 Have 31 keys in my keyring

    1: Compose a new e-mail.
    2: Hit "p".
    3: Hit "e" to encrypt.
    4: Hit "y" to send.
    5: When it says "Enter keyID for addr@domain:" Just hit "ENTER".

 At this point i get the following.

   Looking for keys matching ""...Segmentation fault (core dumped)

 I have noticed that if i enter a search pattern when it asks "Enter keyID
 for addr@domain:" it will work as expected. Hitting "ENTER" or a single
 letter (vowel mabee) it dumps core. Running "pgpring -5" runs just fine. I
 have having the same problem on two different solaris 8 systems with the
 same results.

  Has anyone else seeing/have had this problem ? If anyone has any pointers
 on how to track down why it is crapping out would be greatly

 $ file ./core
 ./core:         ELF 32-bit MSB core file SPARC Version 1, from 'mutt'

 Stack Trace:

 core file = core -- program ``mutt'' on platform SUNW,Ultra-80
 SIGSEGV: Segmentation Fault
 _pgp_compare_address(c8fdc,c9054,c904f,c8fe4,c904f,c8fe0) + c
 qsort(c9054,4,c8fdc,c9018,c905c,7a3f0) + 10c
 pgp_select_key(0,0,ffbee0f0,cbfc8,cbfc8,cbfec) + b8
 pgp_getkeybystr(0,2,cacc0,20,0,0) + b4
 pgp_ask_for_key(ffbee1f0,c8c80,20000,0,9a800,9a9d8) + c4
 pgp_findKeys(c8bd8,0,0,0,9a800,21) + 1fc
 crypt_get_keys(ffffffff,ffbee6e0,ffbee6e4,0,6275696c,c7588) + 80
 ci_send_message(0,c8588,0,bf730,0,0) + d1c
 mutt_index_menu(bf730,1,0,0,0,0) + 1838
 main(1,ffbefb24,b0c00,93800,0,0) + 9e8

 > pstack ./core
 core './core' of 13992: mutt
  00069788 _pgp_compare_address (b50bc, b5134, b5128, 24, b512c, b512c) + c
  000697f8 pgp_compare_address (b50bc, b5134, b512f, b50c8, b512f, b50c4) +
  ff14b528 qsort    (b5134, 4, b50bc, b50f8, b5150, 697e0) + 10c
  00069bdc pgp_select_key (0, 0, ffbee278, 1d, 81060, ffbed2fc) + 17c
  0006ab4c pgp_getkeybystr (0, 81000, ad150, 2, 97f90, ffbee1f4) + 26c
  0006a220 pgp_ask_for_key (ffbee378, 9c6b0, 20000, 0, 80cf0, 81000) + 104
  00067e90 pgp_findKeys (0, ffbee378, 0, afa70, 760e8, 0) + 1f4
  00068700 pgp_get_keys (ffffffff, ffbee86c, afa08, 0, ffbee8f8, ffbee0d8)
 + 40
  00059b80 ci_send_message (0, 0, 0, b0d20, ffbeee50, 0) + be4
  0002b02c mutt_index_menu (0, 0, 97c00, 1, 0, 0) + 2cf4
  0003bd28 main     (0, 0, 97c00, 7cc00, 7cc00, 96000) + b7c
  00019750 _start   (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 5c

 Truss Output:

 tail -60 mutt-truss-output.txt

 sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBEDCA0, 0x00000000)       = 0
 poll(0xFFBEDBB0, 1, 600000)     (sleeping...)
 poll(0xFFBEDBB0, 1, 600000)                     = 1
 poll(0xFFBEDAC8, 1, 10000)                      = 1
 read(3, " y", 1)                                = 1
 sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBEDCA0, 0x00000000)       = 0
 stat("/tmp/mutt-yoda-18548-0", 0xFFBEDE28)      = 0
 write(1, "1B [ 3 3 ; 1 H L o o k i".., 50)      = 50
 open("/dev/null", O_RDWR)                       = 6
 pipe()                                          = 7 [8]
 sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBE8A28, 0x000AFD64)       = 0
 sigaction(SIGQUIT, 0xFFBE8A28, 0x000AFD84)      = 0
 sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, 0x000AFD54, 0x00000000)  = 0
 fork()                                          = 18556
 close(8)                                        = 0
 fstat64(7, 0xFFBEDB80)                          = 0
 ioctl(7, TCGETA, 0xFFBEDB0C)                    Err#22 EINVAL
 read(7, 0x000C8FE4, 5120)                       = 0
 llseek(7, 0, SEEK_CUR)                          Err#29 ESPIPE
 close(7)                                        = 0
 waitid(P_PID, 18556, 0xFFBEDB80, WEXITED|WTRAPPED) = 0
 sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, 0x000AFD54, 0x00000000) = 0
     Received signal #18, SIGCLD [caught]
       siginfo: SIGCLD CLD_EXITED pid=18556 status=0x0000
 sigaction(SIGQUIT, 0xFFBEDB50, 0x00000000)      = 0
 sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBEDB50, 0x00000000)       = 0
 close(6)                                        = 0
 write(1, "\r E n t e r   k e y I D".., 41)      = 41
 sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBEDDB0, 0x00000000)       = 0
 poll(0xFFBEDC50, 1, 10000)                      = 1
 read(3, "\r", 1)                                = 1
 sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBEDDB0, 0x00000000)       = 0
 write(1, "\r L o o k i n g   f o r".., 32)      = 32
 open("/dev/null", O_RDWR)                       = 6
 pipe()                                          = 7 [8]
 sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBE8930, 0x000AFD64)       = 0
 sigaction(SIGQUIT, 0xFFBE8930, 0x000AFD84)      = 0
 sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, 0x000AFD54, 0x00000000)  = 0
 fork()                                          = 18558
 close(8)                                        = 0
 fstat64(7, 0xFFBEDA88)                          = 0
 ioctl(7, TCGETA, 0xFFBEDA14)                    Err#22 EINVAL
 read(7, " p u b : f : 1 0 2 3 : 1".., 5120)     = 4574
 read(7, 0x000C8FE4, 5120)                       = 0
 llseek(7, 0, SEEK_CUR)                          Err#29 ESPIPE
 close(7)                                        = 0
 waitid(P_PID, 18558, 0xFFBEDA88, WEXITED|WTRAPPED) = 0
 sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, 0x000AFD54, 0x00000000) = 0
     Received signal #18, SIGCLD [caught]
       siginfo: SIGCLD CLD_EXITED pid=18558 status=0x0000
 sigaction(SIGQUIT, 0xFFBEDA58, 0x00000000)      = 0
 sigaction(SIGINT, 0xFFBEDA58, 0x00000000)       = 0
 close(6)                                        = 0
     Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS  %pc = 0x0007A38C
       siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000000
     Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [default]
       siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000000
         *** process killed ***

 -- Build environment information

 (Note: This is the build environment installed on the system
 muttbug is run on.  Information may or may not match the environment
 used to build mutt.)

 - gcc version information
 Reading specs from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/3.3/specs
 Configured with: ../configure --disable-nls --with-as=/usr/ccs/bin/as
 Thread model: posix
 gcc version 3.3

 -Wall -pedantic -g -O2

 -- Mutt Version Information

 Mutt 1.5.4i (2003-03-19)
 Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Michael R. Elkins and others.
 Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
 Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
 under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

 System: SunOS 5.8 (sun4u) [using slang 10404]
 Compile options:
 To contact the developers, please mail to <mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx>.
 To report a bug, please use the flea(1) utility.

 --- Begin /export/home/chall/.muttrc
 set pgp_decode_command="%?p?PGPPASSFD=0; export PGPPASSFD;? cat %?p?-? %f
 | pgp6 +language=mutt +compatible +verbose=0 -f"
 set pgp_verify_command="pgp6 +compatible +language=mutt +verbose=0
 +batchmode -t %s %f"
 set pgp_decrypt_command="PGPPASSFD=0; export PGPPASSFD; cat - %f | pgp6
 +language=mutt +compatible +verbose=0 -f"
 set pgp_sign_command="PGPPASSFD=0; export PGPPASSFD; cat %f | pgp6
 +language=mutt +compatible +verbose=0 -abfst %?a? -u %a?"
 set pgp_encrypt_only_command="pgp6 +compatible +language=mutt +verbose=0
 +encrypttoself -aeft %r < %f"
 set pgp_encrypt_sign_command="PGPPASSFD=0; export PGPPASSFD; cat %?p?-? %f
 | pgp6 +compatible +language=mutt +verbose=0 +encrypttoself +batchmode
 +clearsig=off -feast  %?a?-u %a? %r"
 set pgp_import_command="pgp6 +compatible -ka %f +language=mutt"
 set pgp_export_command="pgp6 +compatible +force -kxaf +language=mutt %r"
 set pgp_verify_key_command="pgp6 +compatible -kcc +language=mutt %r"
 set pgp_clearsign_command="PGPPASSFD=0; export PGPPASSFD; cat %f | pgp6
 +compatible +verbose=0 +clearsig -afst %?a? -u %a?"
 --- End /export/home/chall/.muttrc


Ticket URL: <http://dev.mutt.org/trac/ticket/1665#comment:11>