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mutt, courier imap and 10.000+ messages -> fatal error: atom size too small

 hello all,

 [i sent the following to mutt-users and got no positive responses]
 would it be possible to make mutt split imap operations on large number
 of messages into several operations? please read below.

Michal Vitecek wrote:
>hello everyone,
>i'm using mutt 1.5.12 which is configured to work on an IMAP server 
>running courier-imap daemon. when working on many messages (cca 10.000) 
>in a single operation (like D ~b some-text to delete all messages with 
>body containing "some-text") i get the following error:
>Fatal error: atom size too small: file exists.
>from googling the internet i learnt the problem is caused by the email 
>client sending too many message UIDs in a single request and the IMAP 
>server accepting lesser number of them. is there any configuration 
>option or patch which can make mutt split operations on large number of 
>messages into several operations?
>as a sidenote: deleting 10.000+ messages in thunderbird doesn't trigger 
>this error.

        thanks a lot,
                fuf             (fuf@xxxxxxxx)