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Re: [PATCH] revamp some examples

Hello Will, Brendan,

 On Wednesday, July 19, 2006 at 17:07:07 -0700, William B. Yardley wrote:

> I don't know if anyone's maintaining Pine.rc anymore

    Nobody, everybody. Today it's you. :-)

> these are the main pine-like bindings I still use... might be worth
> adding to Pine.rc
>| bind pager , exit
>| bind browser , toggle-mailboxes
>| macro index , "<change-folder>?<tab>"

    OK for the trio, just with <Tab> key spelled <toggle-mailboxes>.
I'll craft the patch later, together with the following...

>> a comment in contrib/Pine.rc says:
>>| # Not possible to simulate zoom-out...

    OK, what about replacing by something as:

# - - - - - - - - - - Pine-like zoom on tagged mails - - - - - - - - - -
# The set of 5 macros might look scary at first sight, but usage is dead
# simple: Just press the [z] key to toggle the zoom on tagged mails, and
# back to normal. And remember /impossible/ is not in Mutt vocabulary.
# (of course /simple/ is also not there :)
# Notes:
#  - The space prepended to all command lines inhibits recording, and
# thus avoids cluttering user's history of the <enter-command> prompt.
#  - Successive command lines could be reduced to one only, but not
# without some negative impact on legibility and educational value.
#  - Only one macro, "z", the last one, is ever directly called by the
# user.
#  - The first 4 macros are service macros, called by the last one,
# doing the job, and redefining the last macro for the next time the
# user will press the [z] key.
#  - The strange ",@pzton/off" string is just an arbitrary choice of at
# most 8 keys that users have not much risk to type in sequence by
# accident, and whose first key (here the comma) is both:
#     * not bound to anything in Mutt by default
#     * not bound to anything alone by means of muttrc
# The same goes for the 2 first keys ",@" and 3 firsts and 4...
#  - Macros exist in index and pager under the same name, but do not do
# the same thing. Example the 3rd macro, named ",@pzton" in pager, does
# <exit> to index, calls there the index macro of same name (the 1st
# macro), then does <display-message> back to pager, and further
# operations.
#  - Finally this macro set makes use of the "set ?var" value display
# command, and of a custom variable $my_Zoom..., to show the current
# state of the zoom on the bottom line. A poor-man's echo.
#  - These macros are non-portably designed for Mutt 1.5.12 and more.
# Drop state display for compatibility with versions 1.5.11 and before, and
# additionally drop multi-map binding for 1.5.6 and before. State display
# can be replaced by a call to <show-limit>, but this won't work in pager.
#  - The toggle/cycle principle and original design, including the
# ",@...on/off" naming scheme with 3 free letters, come from a ROT13
# decoding macro set published in 2002 by David T-G on mutt-users.

macro index ,@pzton "<limit>~T<Enter>\
<enter-command> macro index,pager z ,@pztoff 'zoom on tagged mails'<Enter>\
<enter-command> set my_Zoom_is_focused_on='Tagged mails only'<Enter>\
<enter-command> set ?my_Zoom_is_focused_on<Enter>"

macro index ,@pztoff "<limit>.<Enter>\
<enter-command> macro index,pager z ,@pzton 'zoom on tagged mails'<Enter>\
<enter-command> set my_Zoom_is_focused_on='All mails'<Enter>\
<enter-command> set ?my_Zoom_is_focused_on<Enter>"

macro pager ,@pzton "<exit>,@pzton<display-message>\
<enter-command> set ?my_Zoom_is_focused_on<Enter>"

macro pager ,@pztoff "<exit>,@pztoff<display-message>\
<enter-command> set ?my_Zoom_is_focused_on<Enter>"

macro index,pager z ,@pzton 'zoom on tagged mails'
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Arggl! There will be a comma conflict: What to use instead? What key
is never bound in Pine bindings ported to Mutt, and does not conflict
with Mutt's defaults? As always I'm not English, so would welcome a
comments phrasing review. Together with questions to clarify any left
obscure point.

 On Wednesday, July 19, 2006 at 17:15:30 -0700, Brendan Cully wrote:

> In the future, it might be nice if you submitted such patches in two
> pieces :)

    Promised! I should and would have made 2 different patches, if it
was at all properly planified. But my initial plan was only to replace
obsolete $pgp_create_traditional quad by $pgp_autoinline bool... But
then, the phrase around was broken. Oh well, while at it, I rewrote. But
then, the paragraph around was wrong. Oh well, while at it, I rewrote.
But then, an important point was lacking. Oh well, while at it, I added
a paragraph. But then, the question before was not at the level. Oh
well, while at it, I rewrote. But then, I spotted an evil procmail
recipe. Oh well, while at it, I nuked (*that* was the best part). Et
c'est à ce moment-là que j'ai perdu le contrôle du véhicule, monsieur
l'agent! ;-)

Oh well, while at it: Bye!      Alain.
You know what I would like to do? COMPLY. I would LOVE to COMPLY. But, you know
what, Pat? I don't know where the h_ll that frickin 2-dash stupid stinkin line
is coming from, okay? Comply...
        Greg K. in « Scarface III -- The Return Of The Evil Sigdashes »