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Re: [Announce] mutt-1.5.12 is available

On Friday, 14 July 2006 at 18:03, David Champion wrote:
> * On 2006.07.14, in <20060714213420.GB21693@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> *     "Jean-Pierre Radley" <jpr@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> > | 
> > | Works for me. Note that you need to have the DocBook XML V4.2 style
> > | sheets installed and registered in your catalog.
> > 
> > I know nothing about XML and such a catalog.
> > Please point me somewhere for an education.
> I meant to write a mini-doc on this some time ago, and I forgot.  It's
> not obvious how to do this, and AFAIK it only "just works" on systems
> that have a wealth of pre-bundled packages. :) Here's how I worked it on
> on my Solaris system.  There are other ways to accomplish it, but this
> seemed simplest to me, starting from scratch and not meaning to invest a
> lot of time in Docbook.
> Thomas, Brendan, you're welcome to commit this to CVS under whatever
> filename works for you, if it helps.

I've added this to devel-notes.txt, thanks.

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