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gpg 1.4.4 broke things (config problem?)


I sent this to the mutt-users list, but didn’t get much other than blank stares.

I recently upgraded my gnupg to 1.4.4 (on two of my machines). When I did, replying to traditional-pgp encrypted messages (i.e. the kind that pine users send) instantly broke on both of them. Instead of the quoted (decoded) text of the message in my replies, I just get this:

   gpg: fatal: unable to reopen standard input, output, or error

I assume the problem is with my configuration, somehow, but it’s set up identically to the contrib/gpg.rc that comes with mutt.

Any ideas what might have gone wrong? Any ideas how I might begin to debug it?

For what its worth, replying to pgp/mime messages works perfectly, just as it always has.

Disobedience, in the eyes of any one who has read history, is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion.
                                                       -- Oscar Wilde

Attachment: pgpweI7g7Ip8p.pgp
Description: PGP signature