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some oddities with latest CVS HEAD Mutt


I'm using the latest Mutt from CVS HEAD and noticed some oddities I
don't see with Mutt from the latest development release. I use Mutt
with IMAP exclusively, i.e. I don't have any local mailboxes; just in
case this matters.

Oddity 1:
If some of the mailboxes I specified to be checked for new mail (using
the `mailboxes' command) contain unread but not new (i.e. message
status flag 'O') messages, these mailboxes are included in the list
Mutt shows on `change-folder'. Mutt from the latest dev release only
shows folders containing new (flag 'N') messages.
However, not all of the mailboxes containing old unread messages are
included, but so far I couldn't find a pattern which mailboxes are
skipped and which are not.

Oddity 2:
Sometimes Mutt seems to forget marking messages as read. Most of the
time it works fine, but every now and then I read a newly received
message, close Mutt, start it again, and the message I had just read
still has the 'N' message flag. Hmm. Again, I haven't seen this
behaviour with Mutt from the latest dev release.

Another question:
If `imap_idle' is set, Mutt seems to use IDLE instead of NOOP only if
in index mode; when pager or browser are shown, Mutt still uses NOOP.
Is this true? If yes: why is IDLE not always used?

Comments are welcome!

TIA, Jukka

bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~