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Re: [PATCH] More valgrind memory leaks


On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 11:53:46AM -0400, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> Anyway, with those two “leaks” fixed, the only leaks that remain are 
> all the ones in the SASL/SSL libraries, a getpwuid one that I don’t 
> think we can fix, and the mutt_add_list_n leak that you found:
>    http://salinan.memoryhole.net/~kyle/valgrind1.txt
> Any thoughts on how to fix the SASL/SSL ones (or heck, any idea why 
> mutt_sasl_client_new leaks twice?)?

I am not sure we talk about the same "problems" reported by valgrind, but the
openssl developers consciously left in some code that tools like valgrind or
purify warn about. I found in some openssl mailinglist that you need to
compile openssl with the the compiler flag "-DPURIFY". Otherwise, simply
logging into imaps://imaphost/INBOX makes valgrind log hundreds of "jumps
depends on uninitialized data", memory leaks etc. 

HTH, regards


FH Worms - University of Applied Sciences
Fachbereich Informatik / Telekommunikation
Erenburgerstr. 19, 67549 Worms, Germany