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Re: sorting, the folder list, and the file browser

* On 2006.06.24, in <20060624162954.GI20201@xxxxxxxxxx>,
*       "Derek Martin" <invalid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>                             Is there anyone who DOES NOT want their
> file browser (i.e. for searching for attachments, etc.) sorted
> alphabetically?

Especially for selecting attachments, I find date or reverse date order
most useful.

>                  Also, is there anyone who wouldn't prefer to have
> their mail folders presented to them in order of priority, as listed
> in their muttrc?

I guess I probably would, if I used the browser for finding folders.
(I don't use multiple inboxes.  All my folders besides the inbox are
archival, so normally I just suspend and run another mutt instance when
I need to search for a record.)

 -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx        NSIT    University of Chicago