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Re: crash in imap_expunge_mailbox (similar to #2175)

On Tuesday, March  7 at 11:07 AM, quoth Kyle Wheeler:
I found another crash, in mx_update_context, in mx.c (around line 1577). The avoidance is simple:

In case it helps, here’s the backtrace:

Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at address: 0x0000003c
0x00067158 in mx_update_context (ctx=0x11074e0, new_messages=3) at mx.c:1577
1577          h->security = crypt_query (h->content);
(gdb) where
#0  0x00067158 in mx_update_context (ctx=0x11074e0, new_messages=3) at mx.c:1577
#1  0x000d8484 in imap_read_headers (idata=0x1143b60, msgbegin=24, msgend=24) 
at message.c:336
#2  0x000dbea0 in imap_cmd_finish (idata=0x1143b60) at command.c:283
#3  0x000d3bd8 in imap_check_mailbox (ctx=0x11074e0, index_hint=0xbfffea2c, 
force=0) at imap.c:1373
#4  0x000667ec in mx_check_mailbox (ctx=0x11074e0, index_hint=0xbfffea2c, 
lock=0) at mx.c:1366
#5  0x00025a3c in mutt_index_menu () at curs_main.c:608
#6  0x00054a98 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffff440) at main.c:966
(gdb) p ctx->msgcount
$1 = 27
(gdb) p msgno
$2 = 25

The more men you make free, the more freedom is strengthened and the ... greater is the security of the State.
                                     -- Frederick Douglas, Nov 17, 1864

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