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Re: mutt/2164: unrelevant 'bad IDN' error message

The following reply was made to PR mutt/2164; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: psv@xxxxxxxxx
To: Alain Bench <veronatif@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: mutt/2164: unrelevant 'bad IDN' error message
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 20:31:02 +0200

 Hi, Alain.
 Thank you for your response.
 On Thu, Jan 19, 2006 at 06:26:45PM +0100, Alain Bench wrote:
 > Hello, and thank you for reporting this.
 >  On Sunday, January 15, 2006 at 18:30:54 +0100, psv@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
 > > I can't send any message, because I get '<mail_addr> is a bad IDN'
 > > error message. This error message doesn't seem relevant.
 >     Yes, we know that an invalid $charset gives such highly appropriate
 > error. Unfortunately it seems difficult to give better message, without
 > moving the knoweledge of what is valid or invalid from iconv to Mutt
 > itself. And this is probably not good. Any suggestion anyone?
 I don't understand, why $charset that is used for reading messages does
 problem for send messages? $send_charset work properly.
 >     But let's also review your settings:
 > > I receive mails with several encondings: us-ascii, utf-8, koi8-r,
 > > cp1251. If I don't set charset in muttrc file, then I can't read
 > > koi8-r messages (I got bad encoding)
 >     It should work. Your terminal has a KOI8-R charset, right? What
 > give "locale" and "locale charset" commands at shell?
 No, my terminal has US settings, since this computer on my work and lot
 of mails by english. Now I pass russian mails to gvim (macro switch
 'pager'), but without 'nonsensed charset' (see below) I get in gvim only
 '?' chars.
 I'm used mutt only two weeks and may be I don't understand something. 
 Anycase, I think this bug is duplicate for bug 'invalid $charset'.
 > > I place 'set charset ="utf-8:us-ascii:koi8-r:windows-1251"' into
 > > muttrc
 >     Nonsense: $charset doesn't take such values.
 But it works :-): I can see russian mails in gvim.
 May be mutt use only first value (utf-8)?
 All programs have problems, but not all are good like mutt!
 Sorry for my nightmarish english.
 Best regards,