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Re: imap_idle

On Tuesday, December 13 at 01:50 PM, quoth Brendan Cully:
The poll call is actually a select call (and it works on my OS X.4.3
development system). I suppose it could fail depending on whether the
connection file descriptor is valid. This could be affected by the use
of $tunnel, SSL, SASL, or some mixture of those, and may also depend
on whether you're using gnutls or openssl. I've been using a raw
connection wrapped by SASL digest-md5.

I don't use a tunnel either. I'm attaching the output of mutt -D. mutt -v says:

-USE_POP +USE_IMAP +USE_SMTP -USE_GSS -USE_SSL +USE_GNUTLS +USE_SASL I'd like to be able to use the IDLE feature... what's the next step to figuring out what's going on?

But the failed poll should be fairly harmless - it should just disable
IDLE and go back to NOOP polls. It looks like binc is exhibiting the
same problem that dovecot does: it wants the DONE\r\n command and the
next IMAP command to be in two different TCP packets (it expects the
client to read the IDLE tagged response before continuing).

I doubt it's being picky about which packets things are in -- bincimap runs via tcpserver (i.e. it doesn't have control over it's own connection).

This shouldn't be required - the newline at the end of DONE should be
enough. Since the whole point of IDLE for me was to reduce round
trips, I don't want to add another one here. I guess you'll have to
disable imap_idle until binc gets fixed.

I've never seen an untagged BAD response either. I don't think that's
in the RFC.

I'll send this along to the binc devel team and see if they have any idea what's up.

The longer I live the more I see that I am never wrong about anything, and that all the pains that I have so humbly taken to verify my notions have only wasted my time.
                                                 -- George Bernard Shaw

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