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Re: ML-config changes

Hi Rado,

 On Friday, November 4, 2005 at 20:17:33 +0100, Rado Smiljanic wrote:

> size-limit of 20,000 bytes per post

    Good! But isn't the limit a *little* low for a developpers list? I
mean patches, reports with traces, and such should be welcome once
compressed and reasonable size, no? Prefferable URLs to web sites have
pros and cons (one year later the hosting may change, not everyone has a
practical site, I have not). And 20Ko is very easely reached.

    Let's see current practice: For the last 4 years, mutt-dev had 11000
posts. 88 of them were between 20Ko and up to 2.6Mo. If one looks at
those 88, most seem to me adequate: Patches, bug reports with compressed
muttrc/segfaulting spam/screenshot, ... up to a docbook patch by who's
not really there at 261Ko.

    Only a few are clearly unwanted, or wanted but wastefull. By size:
Of course the world record uncompressed mbox attachment by OW in #1203,
at 2.6Mo. At second *and* third place (!) Kyle and his recent doubled
uncompressed Valgrind, at 441 and 432Ko. At fourth rank, Charles and his
incredibly wastefull 10Ko patch -N full of useless files, and again
uncompressed, at 345Ko. At fifth an off-topic postscript of 313Ko...
This all would be clearly droppable.

    But as soon as at rank #10 by size, around 110Ko, there begins to be
a majority of adequate posts, even if some people should be flamed for
lack of zippage. And lack of thinking. And throwing dupes at BTS and MD!

> non-members receive a notification that they should subscribe before
> they post

    Very good! I totally agree with this move. We just had to take into
account that the spam won long ago this battle against open lists.

> I don't know whether it's better to silently ignore non-members
> immediately not to cause useless bounces by faked headers...

    Ah no: Silent dropping is not really acceptable, IMHO. Especially
on a dev list where we can receive important material from
non-subscribers directed here by mutt -v "To contact the developers,
please mail to <mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx>". I mean subscription to a dev list
was not really requirable before. It is now forcibly required, but a
notice *has* to be bounced. Hinting to subscription or Gnats. Pardonning

    Humm... Would it be possible in the incoming flow to first despam
most obvious with a high threshold (with a not too smart low power
filter), then second bounce non-members and perhaps-spam? The specific
difficulty with anti-spam here is that we receive sometimes legitimate
spam, attached to a report of Mutt malfunction.

    Anyway past filtering rules may have had a problem, as some
legitimate mails were /dev/nulled. At least some mails by Tamo,
Christian Ebert, myself... in the past monthes/year.

Bye!    Alain.
Hotmail users break umlauts for everyone else on a mailing list!
They should stop doing so immediately!
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