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Re: mime type of tbz2

On 2005-10-22 11:22:05 +0200, Alain Bench wrote:
>     Yes, agreed. Modeled after gzip entries, and unless someone knows
> more official types, what about adding to sample mime.types:
> | application/x-bunzip2               bz2
> | application/x-tar-bz2               tbz2 tar.bz2

In /etc/mime.types under Debian:

#  Note: Compression schemes like "gzip", "bzip", and "compress" are not
#  actually "mime-types".  They are "encodings" and hence must _not_ have
#  entries in this file to map their extensions.  The "mime-type" of an
#  encoded file refers to the type of data that has been encoded, not the
#  type of encoding.

However, for archives, the compression may be seen as a part of the
archive type, IMHO. Indeed /etc/mime.types already has:

application/x-gtar                              gtar tgz taz
application/x-tar                               tar

For tbz2, I'd rather see:

application/x-btar                              tbz2

I don't know if tar.bz2 should be included or if application/x-tar
would be sufficient (like for tar.gz).

BTW, Mutt doesn't seem to support compression schemes. This would
be really useful in practice.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
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