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mime type of tbz2


I hope I found the right place for making a couple of
small suggestions for improvements to mutt. :)

Chapter 5 of the online mutt manual says "If Mutt can
not determine the mime type by the extension of the
file you attach, it will look at the file. If the
file is free of binary information, Mutt will assume
that the file is plain text, and mark it as text/plain.
If the file contains binary information, then Mutt will
mark it as application/octet-stream."

I recently sent a .tbz2 file (tar archive compressed
with bzip2) to a friend, and mutt did not handle it
too well. It (apparently did not think that the file
contained "binary information" and sent it as plain
text (with quoted-printable encoding - ugh!)

Obviously, one can fix this with an appropriate entry
to the mime.types file (I think that the file should
contain this entry by default), but the code that sees
this as plain text maybe could use a little tweaking,
as well. :)

Thank you for all of your wonderful work.

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