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Re: BTS and mutt-dev interaction

Re: Alain Bench in <20051007120055.GA32727@xxxxxxx>
>     Problem: Many folowups to bugs in Mutt BTS do not reach the mutt-dev
> list because they are sent by non-subscribers.

I know... what I did for new PRs was to send them "from" my own
address. I could tell gnats to do the same for followups, but it would
probably disguise things too much.

>     What could be done to fix this problem? Would it be possible to
> auto-accept mails with subjects matching "(mutt|imap)/[0-9]+: " without
> too much bad effects?

The ideal solution would be to auto-whitelist all messages originating
from bugs.mutt.org (trithemius.gnupg.org). Alternatively, I could
inject a "Approved: passwd" header in all messages. Iirc Majordomo
supports that.

I tried to ping the gbnet admins some time ago, but didn't get a reply
so far. It would be nice to have that issue resolved.

Steve? James?

cb@xxxxxxxx | http://www.df7cb.de/

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