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Re: [PATCH] cosmetic: fold emails one per line

Hi all,

* Alain Bench <veronatif@xxxxxxx> [01-10-2005 20:38]:

>     In headers of mails composed with $edit_headers=yes or
> <edit-headers>, recorded, and sent, Mutt folds fields containing
> multiple email addresses trying to stay inside 74 columns. This may mean
> putting more than one address on a line, which may not always be totally
> clear.
>     This patch-1.5.11.ab.fold_emails_one_per_line.1 folds always one
> email address per line. Maybe more lines, but no short email can be
> missed.

I just wanted to voice my support for this patch (haven't tested it
yet though): it happened to me more than once.  The cost of this patch
is extra lines, but IMO the gain in clarity outweighs it.

René Clerc                      - (rene@xxxxxxxx) - PGP: 0x9ACE0AC7

It's not the fall that kills you.  It's the sudden stop at the end.
-Douglas Adams

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