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Re: mutt/1880: wish: rebind to generic

The following reply was made to PR mutt/1880; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Alain Bench <veronatif@xxxxxxx>
To: bug-any@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: mutt/1880: wish: rebind to generic
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 23:59:32 +0200 (CEST)

 Hello Tamotsu,
  On Tuesday, September 20, 2005 at 1:56:59 AM +0200, Tamotsu Takahashi wrote:
 > http://www.momonga-linux.org/~tamo/patch-1.5.8.tamo.unbind.1 This
 > ``unbind'' might be less useful than DGC's one, because this does not
 > support ``unbind *'' syntax.
     We probably want "unbind *" functionality, if not syntax.
 > This ``unbind'' really removes mappings instead of ``bind to noop'',
 > so that a little memory is freed.
     Fine! I seem to recall DGC removes mapping only in * case, not in
 individual key sequence case.
 > lack of ``rebind to generic'' functionality is a bug or a design-flaw.
 > This PR should be more than just a change-request or a wishlist-item,
 > IMO.
     There remains a layer of confusion from previous discussions. First:
 current /bind to noop/ works, does what's documented, is needed, used,
 and should stay. No real bug there. Second: A new /rebind to generic/
 additional feature is wished.
     It seems to clearly be a wish for a new feature.
     In fact the sole bug is the confusion around the meaning of the
 "unbind" word, that can be interpreted in two ways. From functionality
 point of view, unbind can mean:
 (1) remove a [key] to <function> link from a map. The [key] doesn't do
 nothing anymore. [key] becomes disabled, not bound. /unbind to unbound/.
 "bind map [key] noop" syntax actually does that, and manual uses
 "unbind" word with this meaning.
 (2) remove a [key] to <function> link from a map, rebinding [key] to
 whatever <function> generic maps. /rebind to generic/.
     I know implementation POV is contradictory, as (1) actually may
 *add* a binding, using a little more memory, while (2) may remove a
 binding, freeing ram. But that's not the same as the functionality POV I
 believe users expect to see primarily documented.
     Manual says:
 | Usage: bind map key function
 | The special function noop unbinds the specified key sequence.
     I agree s/unbinds/disables/ may help desambiguitation. But then
 reintroducing ambiguity by adding an "unbind" command is not good.
     Isn't the word "specified" so close to word "specific" which as
 contrary of "generic" could trigger or help misinterpretation of manual
 phrase by the quick non-English reader?
 Bye!   Alain.
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