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Re: mutt/2069: have extra function to change to mailboxes browser

The following reply was made to PR mutt/2069; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Rado S <rado@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: bug-any@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: mutt/2069: have extra function to change to mailboxes browser
Date: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 13:42:49 +0200

 [=3D- Alain Bench wrote on Fri 16.Sep'05 at  1:35:01 +0200 -=3D]
 >  > When defining mailboxes it's hard for newbs to find them, because
 >  > "toggle-mailboxes" is hidden in browser mode and people are not awar=
 >  > of its own help screen.
 > =20
 > I believe that coding a <function> to do something already
 > doable may be considered <rot13>oybng</>.
 I'm sorry for not having spent more thoughts on this, I didn't
 care as much about the implementation as for bringing attention to
 this issue. I should have found the better solution myself.
 Another solution would have been to move the functionality from
 browser-mode (toggel-mailboxes) to index-mode (view-mailboxes),
 but then again people would cry because of "things used to be that
 way". :-/
 I wish people would consider usablity improvements worth breaking
 with (sometimes bad) heritage. ;)
 > But what about adding a demo macro to /etc/Muttrc, doing
 > <change-folder>?<toggle-mailboxes>, and bound to [y] (think mutt
 > -y)? The same [y] key would exit from browser, giving a toggle
 > effect convenient to quickly see where new mail arrived. A poor
 > men's sidebar.
 It's definitely an improvement, thank you for catching up me
 =A9 Rado S. -- So much to do, but too little time to take care of it all.