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Re: IMAP server side search integration

On Sun, Sep 04, 2005 at 08:25:20PM -0700, Brendan Cully wrote:
> > This is probably the easiest to code... but the down side is it
> > introduces yet another folder-format-specific inconsistency in mutt's
> > UI, which is something that I personally don't like.  I strongly
> > believe that the data format should have no impact on the behavior of
> > the UI, ever.
> I would like to agree, but in practice some formats make some
> operations much cheaper or more expensive than others. 

This argument has always struck a sour note with me... and especially
these days where hardware has gotten so fast.  Often new features or
suggestions to improve consistency have been shot down in the name of
computing expense, but to a large extent I think this argument has
become a red herring, if it wasn't always...

For example, downloading every message body in a large IMAP folder in
order to do a full-text regular expression search is expensive and
slow... but people still do it; if the user wants to do it, they
should be able to.  Likewise, as substring searches will be faster for
ALL formats, I think it would be nice to have that feature too,
especially since it is the most common kind of search people want to
do, and because it makes searching IMAP folders MUCH faster.  I'd even
go so far as to say this should be considered the default mode for
searching, on account of the gains in performance it would offer.
But, as another person pointed out in this thread, sometimes regex
searching is required to get what you want, and since it's already
implemented anyway, that should remain available to Mutt's users, for
all formats.  That's why I'm in favor of the extra commands...

> To really preserve consistency we'd just keep the status quo - super
> slow client-side full text searches. When performance gets bad
> enough I think it's probably worth sacrificing some consistency.

I really can't agree.  Computing is one of the few places where you
can have your cake, and eat it too.  That is, you can implement both,
and let the users choose which one they prefer to use...

By arguing against features on the basis of performance, especially 
when those features are format-specific, you're basically telling the
user that you know best, and they should not want to perform that
operation, because you say so.  You're basically making decisions for
users that they should not be willing to wait for some features to
execute with certain mail folder formats, because it would take too
long, IN YOUR OPINION.  But I think that people who use Mutt are smart
enough to understand the performance implications of the formats they
have chosen to use with Mutt; if they're willing to wait, why
shouldn't they have the option?  Computing expense is, IMO, never a
good reason to avoid consistency of UI for different data formats.
After all, if a particular operation is done frequently enough that
the user decides waiting for it is too slow with their chosen format,
they can always convert to a different one, if it is important

The other major reason not to code consistent UI functionality is
code complexity.  This is where improved modularity would really make
a big difference, I think.  The whole idea behind modular code is to
break tasks down into small, manageable operations, and provide a
consistent API to those operations.  Thus it becomes much easier to
code and test these more difficult cases, and much easier to know that
you've got it right.  That's the whole case for modularity, and I
think all of Mutt would benefit greatly from it.  But, even lacking
that, I don't think arguing against good functionality and consistent
UI design on the basis of code complexity has ever been a very
compelling argument either...  If the users want the functionality,
and someone is willing to write and test the code (or even has done so
already), then why should users not benefit from it?

The only remaining reason is code bloat, which also has become a lame
excuse, IMO...  Computers now come with 100x more *RAM* than the
amount of disk space available on the first computer I used to read
e-mail...  We've improved the speed and storage capacity of computers
specifically so that we COULD add all those whiz-bang features that
people want in their e-mail client (and other programs).  

As it stands, Mutt uses far less computing resources than a lot of the
more popular e-mail clients, so I don't see how code bloat or
computing expense make valid arguemnts against implementing much of
anything, anymore -- not when the most popular[*] e-mail client in
existence is roughly 100x the size of Mutt.  Even the editor many
people use to compose their mail with Mutt, the Emacsen -- probably
the most popular editor amongst Linux users, at least -- has a VSZ[1]
of somewhere on the order of 5x Mutt!  More importantly, if your code
is designed well enough, people who really really need the leanest
e-mail client possible (because they are still living in the dark
ages, computationally speaking) could always just exclude the
whiz-bang features with ./configure --disable blah.  Mutt is already
designed that way...  Just make sure the really expensive stuff gets
its own configure options.

On modern computing hardware, these issues (computing expense and code
bloat) really have become non-arguemnts.

[*] If you prefer to think that most people use Outlook out of
necessity, or even ignorance, as I do, then feel free to substitute
"most commonly used" for "popular" in the text above... ;-)

[1] VSZ = the total amount of virtual memory (RAM + swap) used by a

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