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Re: [1.5.10] bus error when invocation of pgp fails

* Paul Walker on Fri, Aug 19, 2005:
> It looks identical to the other report.

But I had no prob in opening the other message. Strange.

> Reading the code, there is a path
> which can try to do file operations on a NULL handle if a PGP process can't
> be created. Might be worth checking you have a valid entry for
> pgp_decode_command.

Is "" a valid entry? (As I already mentioned, I have no pgp
installed at the moment)

> If you have the spare time, could you try inserting a printf()

Errrmh, I have no idea about C-programing, sorry.
printf( which argument(s)? );

I am willing to try but need *fool*proof instructions ;-) because
in this case I even /know/ that I don't know what I'm doing ...

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