mutt/1649: mutt/1649: interactive :set mbox_type=<Tab> completion
The following reply was made to PR mutt/1649; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Alain Bench <veronatif@xxxxxxx>
To: bug-any@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: mutt/1649: interactive :set mbox_type=<Tab> completion
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 17:45:21 +0200 (CEST)
On Wednesday, August 3, 2005 at 6:05:01 AM +0200, Brendan Cully wrot=
> bug-any eventually goes to mutt-dev (albeit after mangling the mess=
> a bit)
Mangling? Nice understatement, Brendan. A message filtred thru
md5sum is less injured. OpenPGP working group considered obsoleting
the sha512 hash by a Gnats mangle, but the evil daemon caused kernel
ooops during demo.
[set mbox_type=3D<Tab>]
> I usually use set ?mbox_type<return> to get that information, and
> don't see the point in having two ways of doing it.
You get the result in input buffer, ready to be entered to comman=
history, or ready to be edited. The later is of course more interesti=
for $index_format and such.
Scenario for the former: I usually use Maildir, but want to creat=
e a
test MMDF folder, then come back to default. I type:
| :set mb<Tab>_<Tab>=3D<Tab><Enter>=09# feeds current type to history
| :<Up><Left>^Wmmdf<Enter>=09=09# changes folder type
| C/tmp/test-mmdf-folder<Enter>=09=09# creates said folder
| :<Up><Up><Enter>=09=09=09# recalls previous type from history
Once accustomed, my fingers do it themselves. My eyes and brain h=
no need to stop and think. And patch vl.savehist.1 by Vincent Lef=
enhances the experience.
Give your computer's unused idle processor cycles to a scientific goa=
The Folding@home project at <URL:>.