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Re: Beginner in C

Paul Walker wrote:
> > I am a beginner in C and want as an excercise
> > to a patch for mutt. Do you think that's doable?
> While all patches are welcome, and it's good that you want to contribute, if
> you're a beginner you would probably be much better off starting with a
> larger project - they tend to have much more set up to help people starting
> to develop, in the way of documentation, IRC channels, lists etc.
> The GNOME project is probably a good one, or KDE if you want to learn C++.
> If you really do want to contribute to mutt, though, I'd suggest just
> picking something which is annoying you at the moment. It gives you a good
> incentive to fix it. ;-)

Found one thing that I want to do in mutt, that's why I'm asking. :)

But I have a problem right at the start. On mutt.org it says the password
for the user anonymous (read access) is anonymous, but it doesn't work for me.

Is the cvs service down?

jonas@moria:~/src$  cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxxx:/home/roessler/cvs 
Logging in to :pserver:anonymous@xxxxxxxxxxxx:2401/home/roessler/cvs
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: connect to cvs.mutt.org( failed: 
Connection refused

jonas@moria:~/src$ ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=56 time=28.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=27.3 ms

--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 27.3/27.8/28.3 ms
