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Re: Set a Header in a Message *now*

On Wed, 11 May 2005, Thomas Glanzmann wrote:
> I am looking for something like:
> send2-hook .               'unset_header Reply-To'
> send2-hook '~C problems@'  'set_header Reply-To: Bla blub <problems@...>'
> my_hdr and unmy_hdr buys me nothing because they're only executed on the
> next creation of a message but not actually applied to the current
> message. Is there a command which sets the header of the current message
> to this value? Otherwise it is time to write a patch.

Well, maybe you can use $edit_headers or edit-headers?

send-hook . 'set editor=vim;unset edit_headers'
send-hook ~Cproblems@ 'set editor=/home/tg/bin/replytosubst.sh;set edit_headers'
 perl -p -i -e 's/^Reply-To: .*$/Reply-To: Bla <problems@...>/' $1
 vim $1

I don't mean that this is better than a patch.
This is just another way to do the job.
