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problem w/ pgp_autoinline?

I just built 1.5.7, and noticed the new PGP menu. I set
"pgp_autoinline", which I think should make mutt default to sending
signed or encrypted messages inline, however (even with a plain ascii
text message), mutt shows:

     PGP: Sign (PGP/MIME)

after I select "sign" from the PGP menu.

In my .muttrc, I have:
set pgp_autoinline

Am I missing something?

Another note - if the wrong passphrase is given when sending an inline
message, the default is then to try sending as pgp/mime. I guess this
config option (pgp_mime_auto) might be useful for something else, but is
there a reason for it being set by default? Seems like maybe it should
default to off - are there a lot of cases where sending an inline
message would fail but a pgp/mime one wouldn't?

"Since when is skepticism un-American?
Dissent's not treason but they talk like it's the same..."
(Sleater-Kinney - "Combat Rock")