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Re: Mutt Next Generation

On Thu, Jan 27, 2005 at 11:00:02AM -0500, John Franklin wrote:
> Claims of UNIXy are nice, but will that be a consolation when mutt get 
> forked?  There is a crying need for this feature (see the others on this 
> list who hav asked for it), a patch already exists[1], and yet no one is 
> willing to integrate it in to the tree?
> The patch is UNIXy in its own way.  Mutt is good at managing e-mail.  
> libESMTP is good at delivering e-mail to a server.  They're 
> both simple tools that do their thing well.  Rather than fork off a 
> process, use a library call.  The library has function parameters as 
> its API.  The process has command line options.  What's the difference?

I've always been a fan of the Unix Philosophy, but I have to agree
with this argument and the others that go along with it.  The reality
is that configuring most of the MTAs out there is too hard for the
average person who just wants to read mail (though perhaps the same
could be said of mutt -- it's perhaps not really a good program for
people who don't want to spend time figuring out how things work).

There are an increasing number of reasons why its beginning to make
more sense to incorporate SMTP functionality into mutt, and it seems
unlikely that trend will change soon.

The trade-off involved in the decision to add or not add ALL of these
features seems to be whether to keep things simple for the users or
for the coders.  Both have merit.  Ultimately, to me, the answer comes
down to why we use computers in the first place.  I think it's safe to
say that for most peole, it's to make their lives easier and/or reduce
their workload.  Making design decisions which force users to learn
more and/or spend more time configuring multiple programs seems to
fly in the face of that, to me...

But then, I'm not maintaining mutt.  ;-)

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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