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Re: Mutt Next Generation

On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 01:54:27PM +0100, Thomas Roessler wrote:
> (My instinct would be that bugzilla could be a good choice.  But
> this is mostly based on the fact that it works nicely for RedHat.)
we (kde) use it very successfully (almost 100k bugs by now, > 5000
currently open).
in our cvs (module bugz) you'll even find our migration scripts from
debbugs - dunno if the version is compatible, though.

> > * [...] giving more people CVS access, [...]
> Since we're using CVS, everybody would have access to all branches.
yeah, cvs and branches. sure. *puke*
fwiw, recently i'm finding this centralized approach svn is also using
somewhat ... uhm ... restrictive: i want to commit my patches and have
them in the vcs, independently of somebody else's opinion (or the
server's availability, fwiw). say hello to arch (or, /flameshield on,

> So I'd like to keep the circle of those who can commit patches small.
no. create a clear commit policy, and give write access to as many
people as possible. this makes the project much more responsive,
particularily for tiny things. also, the nay-sayers have to really
convince people why something will not go in, instead of just saying
(and sometimes even only thinking) "i don't like it and nobody can
commit anyway".

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