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Re: phrasing suggestion

On Thu, Jan 06, 2005 at 02:27:26PM -0800, Frederik Eaton wrote:
> When a user exits the message composition mode, and sees the "Postpone
> this message?" prompt, it would be nice if the phrasing of this prompt
> made it clear that his choice isn't just between postponing his
> message and doing something else, it's between postponing it and
> losing everything he just typed. 

Since others have voiced at least some agreement to this thread, I'll
add my $.02 and just say that the current behavior seems both
satisfactory and obvious.  You do, after all, get to the postpone
prompt by pressing 'q' (by default) to exit message composition.
Assuming that you want to do this, I don't see what other options
could exist besides postponing or aborting.  Unless you are unfamiliar
with the definitions of the words "exit" and/or "postpone", I don't
really see where there's any opportunity for confusion.  IMNSHO, I see
no need for a change.

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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