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Re: Feature Request/Bug Report: Force forget PGP passwords

On Sun, Dec 07, 2003 at 10:31:29PM -0800, Eric Anderson wrote:
> The subject line pretty much says it.  As noted in bugs 787, 1025 and
> 1164, Mutt remembers incorrect PGP passwords up to the timeout value. It
> would be really nice either to correct that, or be able to manually
> purge the password.  As it stands, if I mistype my password, I can't
> use PGP without either quitting and restarting or waiting for the
> timeout. 
> Personally, I'd lobby for adding a force forget feature even if those
> bugs are resolved, just for the security benefit.

Try Ctrl+f.


Robert Schiele                  Tel.: +49-621-181-2517
Dipl.-Wirtsch.informatiker      mailto:rschiele@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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