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error for regex tag pattern "*"

Hey folks, I have a persistent annoyance with mutt
because if I shift-t and try to use a pattern to
tag things, and then use * as the pattern, mutt
will consistently dump core.

Now I realize that the correct way to do what I want
is probably a pattern more like .*   . I've read
up on Jeffrey Friedl, and I'm a smart monkey.

Yet being a very highly trained primate has not stopped
mutt from dumping on me, for ever so much I may know that
this is not what I should do, I by accident do it anyway,
and mutt is not idiot-proofed against my idiocy. This is
not a matter of useability but of robustness.

sysV debug didn't seem to like the core that mutt dumped,
but I'm not a trained monkey when it comes to debug anyway.

I will see if the same thing happens on a more modern system
as I know that Unixware is not what we'd call cutting edge.

info follows:
Script started on Thu Nov 27 11:30:48 2003
$ uname -a
UNIX_SV photobooks 4.2MP 2.1.3 i386 x86at
$ ls
$ ls c*
core.23990  core.2454
$ gdb core.23*
UX:ksh: ERROR: gdb:  not found
$ db core.23*
UX:ksh: ERROR: db:  not found
$ man db
UX:man: ERROR: No manual entry for db.
$debug core.23990
Warning: No debugging information in core.23990
UX:sh (sh): ERROR: ./core.23990: Cannot execute
Error: Create failed: all resulting processes killed
debug> quit
$ exit

script done on Thu Nov 27 11:32:22 2003

Mutt 1.0.1us (2000-01-18)
Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: UNIX_SV 4.2MP
Compile options:
To contact the developers, please mail to <mutt-dev@xxxxxxxx>.

-------------------------------Dan Kappus-------------------------------
We, the people of the United States of America, we are gay and straight and
lesbian and bi and those categories are about the love between consenting
adults. We fall in love we feel the same way......  we get jilted, we
feel the same. - Beren deMotier, in Southern Voice.