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RFE - sort by from *address*

My dad was complaining the other day that no (Windows GUI) mailers seem
to be able to sort by the email address itself, rather than by the from
name; thus:

william@xxxxxxxxxxx (Will Yardley)
Yardley, William <william@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Will Yardley <william@xxxxxxxxxxx>
That Funny Looking Guy <william@xxxxxxxxxxx>

would all be sorted differently by most MUAs, including mutt (when
sorting by the "From" address.

So, if there isn't a way to do this currently, I was wondering if people
thought this would be a useful feature (either as a different sort key,
or as an on/off option for various operations that sort by "from"). This
seems more logical, since generally you're looking for emails from a
particular person to be grouped together.

"Since when is skepticism un-American?
Dissent's not treason but they talk like it's the same..."
(Sleater-Kinney - "Combat Rock")