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Re: [bugmaster@xxxxxxx: Processed: bugs #541 #790 #986 #1026 #1183 #1240 #1444 #1466 #1223 #1614]

On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 09:20:27PM +0100, Alain Bench wrote:

> Hi Dave,
>  On Saturday, October 25, 2003 at 11:24:32 PM -0400, David Yitzchak Cohen 
> wrote:
> >>> close 1466
> >> bug#1466: mutt-1.4i: only first recipient recognized
> >> bug closed, send any further explanations to David Yitzchak Cohen 
> >> <dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Why was this bug closed? ...or did I miss an email stating the reason?
>     Unfortunately yes: I closed #1466 for unreproducability, possible
> misconfiguration, and no followups to my reply after one month or so.
> Now of course I schedule reopening in next batch, and resend you my old
> reply (reached BTS and mutt-dev, but missed your .tj addy). Please feel
> free to reply to the resent, should nicely continue the thread.

Crap ... as my reply to the other message shows, this whole screwup was
my own damn fault.

>     Side note: The .tj address makes a temporary error « Name service
> error for dave.tj: Host not found, try again », so delaying the bounce
> for 6 days.

Side note: the dave@xxxxxxx address (and every other .tj address on the
planet, for that matter) is permanently down, since TJNS (the company
managing the .tj TLD) disappeared off the face of the 'net without
leaving a trace.  What's worse, ICANN claims it's not responsible for
helping to track down the company that it itself decided to delegate.
All the involved parties seem to have an interest in keeping this whole
story as low-profile as possible, and us, the customers, as far as
possible from justice.  I guess you could say I'm just a teensy weensy
wittle bit annoyed :-(

> > I can reproduce the bug at will, if you're interested.

Did I say that?  I don't think I really meant it, but I should still
have my 1.4 lying around still, since I use it for my oldbox (like 30K
messages - kinda risky to open with CVS, IMHO).  If I can find a message
that triggers the problem, I'll ask you to reopen the bug.

>     Of course, and thanks to have reviewed the bugmaster batch: I feel
> uncomfortable with last one just before that was not published (nor 2
> resends) on mutt-dev: My mistakes will stay unnoticed...

It'd be really funny if your original reply came during the time between
losing my dave.tj and the time I finally resubscribed to mutt-dev under
bigfatdave.com ... I don't have the dates handy, though ... if you're
really curious, I can dig through my diary for the answers. . .

 - Dave

Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?

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