[ga] UDRP dead?
See: http://news.com.com/2100-1038_3-5190324.html
about how Google is allowing folks to bid on trademarked terms. If one
accepts Google's reasoning, it's not a huge leap to see that the basis
for UDRP might also come under fire, i.e. attracting traffic for
comparative advertising.
So, for example, someone squatting on www.drinkcocacola.com could make
a landing page saying:
"Welcome. You were probably looking for www.cocacola.com . But, 2 out
of 3 people in a blind taste test preferred the refreshing taste of
Pepsi. Try the choice of the New Generation at www.pepsi.com and get a
free coupon to save $1 on your next purchase."
Fair use?
Comments/analysis from the IP Constituency would be most appreciated
(although non IPC folks might be interested in this issue, too).
George Kirikos