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[ga] spamming

Thank you David and Leah,
I note that on an ADDRESS I have set up with all the Asian fonts I can find, that it is about 90% Asian spam, and of course I use that for Asian searches also.  It goes to about 50% Hispanic on an ADDRESS I have set up for Latino work.  Clearly it is targeting and convenience.  However enforcement of protocols and rules may be inneffective in some jurisdictions. Clearly this mimmicks snail mail in purpose and rationale for using spamming and junk mail. I.e. is the ADDRESS available? Are the demographics correct?  Has the recipient shown some kind of interest? Is he tending toward being a sucker with money or credit? In all these aspects, in a bulk way we would look to the ADDRESS to make this decision. (a fun project here was setting up a system which allows mining of all last names with four or less letters - funny but they were 90% Asian, you can do the same with combinations of vowels and consonants, for this we looked to the ADDRES! S or was that NAMES.)
This also relates to NAMES obviously
If I am not mistaken an ICANN based registrar/register (thanks and remembrance to our old friend Peter for helping me get those straight) still requires an ADDRESS listing for registrations - hm, it seems in this case the IP guys insisted on both physical and virtual.  Is a ccTLD registrar required to keep a public NAMES and ADDRESSES file that can be mined for spamming?
We tend to think of buying and selling domain NAMES for the user of an ADDRESS but far more $$ is made in the buying and selling of lists of those NAMES and ADDRESSES.
Course and Scope of Mission.
Here we can begin with, why is there less snail mail? Regulation of course and cost and efficacy. I understand at least that the regulations go to the heart of stability, accessibility, reliability and security of our mail system. And that postal departments are charged with the coordination of efforts to assure such things. Note however in most jurisdictions a well marked ADDRESS on a physical location is required not for postal but for fire and safety. And within parameters the NAMES of streets are left  to developers and numbered ADDRESSING is governmental. Notice in all cases there is a symbiotic coordination between private and public.
Phones are about the same. Note in my locale a phone line (which can be used for dial-up to a local ISP) is provided for less than 1 hour of work per month (minimum wage) to every and anyone. In California your number can be listed on a don't call list to prevent phone spam.
While I have no doubt that ICANN cannot coordinate any real efforts in providing a system to properly channel spamming, it is not outside their mission and is another example of failure to do, using -within narrow scope of mission definition defenses.
A quick review of EDGAR filings for the past 6 years indicates that the Verisign/Afilias Cartel/Cadre/Monopoly/RICO group made more $$ off sales of lists than registrations.  And a review of ICANN records indicates that the IP interests is what makes this all possible - and low and behold guess who sells products via the spamming, darned if it is not the same group as the IP interests represent.  To suggest that ICANN is not responsible is like pointing at the barndoor after the horse has gotten out.
P.S. Interesting that the Yahoo filtering system recognizes this list as spam oriented at some levels and at lower levels does not. When technical and practical do not coordinate the result is a phenom known as ICANN.

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