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Re: [OT] Leserbrief an Heise wg. angeblicher SCO-Panne

At 11:30 12.12.03 +0100, Florian Laws wrote:

>Genau das ist die Frage.
>Wenn, wie Lars Weitze unterstellt, die Antwort auf "Cui bono?" SCO lautet,
>frage ich, _wie_ SCO denn von einem DDoS-Angriff auf ihre Server 
>profitieren soll.

Telefonhoerer daneben legen, Internet Internet sein lassen und die
"stillste Zeit des Jahres" fuer eine Klausur nutzen, um die anstehende
Beweisfuehrung vorzubereiten:

-> http://bbspot.com/News/2003/12/sco_christmas.html

--- snip ---

SCO Must Prove Existence Of Santa Claus in Thirty Days

By Brian Briggs

Salt Lake City, UT - Supreme Court Judge Isaiah Moore ruled that SCO must 
show proof of Santa Claus in the next 30 days, or he will dismiss their 
lawsuit against all Christians and companies profiting from the Christmas 

SCO, formerly known as Santa Cruz Operations, recently changed their name 
to Santa Claus Operations. This change was widely regarded as a move to 
improve their image after their controversial claims about Linux. Critics 
of the name change say it's just another fantasy created by SCO CEO Kris 
Kringle, formerly known as Darl McBride, to profit through litigation.

In a recent press release SCO said it would begin sending out invoices to 
anyone who celebrates or profits from Christmas in the next couple of weeks 
including corporations and individuals. A price list for SCO Christmas 
licenses which companies and individuals need to celebrate the holiday 
without violating SCO's intellectual property rights were released as well.

"Children can avoid penalties by sending 10% of their Christmas gifts to 
SCO," said Kringle.


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