[bugtraq] Thread Index
- (MS05-039) Microsoft Windows Plug-and-Play Service Remote Overflow (Universal Exploit + no crash shellcode), houseofdabus (August 12, 2005)
- My Bulletin Board RC 4 Vulnerabilities, phuket (August 12, 2005)
- Insecure directory permissions of default installation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Unix/Linux File Servers will lead to local root exploit, Dr. Peter Bieringer (August 12, 2005)
- Windows 2000 universal exploit for MS05-039, sl0ppy (August 12, 2005)
- Privilege escalation in Linksys WLAN Monitor v2.0, Reed Arvin (August 12, 2005)
- Bluetooth: Theft of Link Keys for Fun and Profit?, KF (lists) (August 12, 2005)
- Grandstream Budge Tone 101/102 DoS Vulnerability, Kroma Pierre (August 12, 2005)
- [USN-168-1] Gaim vulnerabilities, Martin Pitt (August 12, 2005)
- Low security hole affecting Mentor's ADSLFR4II router, Tim Brown (August 13, 2005)
- JaguarControl Activex Buffer Overflow, Tacettin Karadeniz (August 13, 2005)
- SQL in PHPTB Topic Boards 2.0, almaster (August 13, 2005)
- [DRUPAL-SA-2005-004] Drupal 4.6.3 / 4.5.5 fixes critical XML-RPC issue, Uwe Hermann (August 15, 2005)
- Advisory 15/2005: PHPXMLRPC Remote PHP Code Injection Vulnerability, Stefan Esser (August 15, 2005)
- Advisory 14/2005: PEAR XML_RPC Remote PHP Code Injection Vulnerability, Stefan Esser (August 15, 2005)
- Vulnerability found in CPAINT Ajax Toolkit, wiley14 (August 15, 2005)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 761-2] New heartbeat packages fix insecure temporary files, Martin Schulze (August 15, 2005)
- drone armies C&C report - July/2005, Gadi Evron (August 15, 2005)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 775-1] New Mozilla packages fix frame injection spoofing vulnerability, Martin Schulze (August 15, 2005)
- [ GLSA 200508-06 ] Gaim: Remote execution of arbitrary code, Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen (August 15, 2005)
- Technical Note by Amit Klein: Detecting and Preventing HTTP Response Splitting and HTTP Request Smuggling Attacks at the TCP Le, Amit Klein (AKsecurity) (August 15, 2005)
- Serious flaw in Linksys wireless AP password security, Steve Scherf (August 15, 2005)
- MDKSA-2005:139 - Updated gaim packages fix yet more vulnerabilities, Mandriva Security Team (August 16, 2005)
- Corsaire Security Advisory: HP Ignite-UX passwd file disclosure issue, advisories (August 16, 2005)
- MDKSA-2005:140 - Updated proftpd packages fix format string vulnerabilities, Mandriva Security Team (August 16, 2005)
- 249bytes reverse shellcode with "nooil tricks methods", msuiche (August 16, 2005)
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